DaShauna K
Chapter 11
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 13
Powerpoint Slides
Federalists Papers
The American Colonies
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The New World Encounters
Meet Your Teacher
Class Bulletin Board
The Triumph of White Men's Democracy

Chapter 10

~Jacksonian Democracy-A historian's term for the political culture of white male citizens in the 1820s and 1830. It celebrated the "self-made man" and rejected the idea that leaders should be drawn from the intellectual and economic elite.

~Tariff of abominations-An 1828 protective tariff, or tax on imports, motivated by special interest groups. It resulted in a substantial increase in duties that angered many southern free traders.

~Trail of Tears-In the winter of 1838-1895, The Cherokee were forced to evacuated their lands in Georgia and travel under military guard to present-day Oklahoma. Due to exposure and disease, roughly one-quarter of the 16,000 forced migrants died en route.

~Bank War-Between 1832-1836, Andrew Jackson used his presidential power to fight and ultimately destroy the second Bank of the United States.

~Specie Circular-In 1836, President Andrew Jackson issued this executive order that required purchasers of public land to pay in "specie" gold or silver coin, rather than paper money.

~Panic of 1837-A financial depression that lasted until the 1840s.

~Second party system-A historian's term for the National two-party rivalry between Democrats and Whigs. The second party system began in the 1830's and ended in the 1850s with the demise of the Whig party and The rise of the republican party.

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