DaShauna K
Chapter 11
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 13
Powerpoint Slides
Federalists Papers
The American Colonies
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The New World Encounters
Meet Your Teacher
Class Bulletin Board
The Sectional Crisis

Chapter 14

Constitution gave federal government right to abolish slave trade. Missouri Compromise of 1820-prevented extension of slavery to certain territories. Wilmot Proviso 1846-whether African Americans should be slaves or free-REJECTED. Squatter-popular sovereignty left slavery in a territory to the settlers. Election of 1848- Zachary Taylor- no executive interference with congressional legislation-DEFEATED- Lewis Cass and Martin van Buren. Compromise of 1850 resolutions- robbed political parties of distinctive appeal. Kansas and Nebraska- Popular sovereignty. John Brown- Equip slave army and urged lower class whites to unite and abolish slavery.

Important Facts-

~Compromise of 1850-this series of five congressional statutes temporarily calmed the sectional crisis. Among other things the compromise made California a free state, ended the slave trade in D.D., and strengthened the Fugitive Slave Law.

~Fugitive Slave Law- passed in 1850, this federal law made it easier for slave owners to recapture runaway slave; it also made it easier for kidnappers to take free blacks. The new law became an object of hatred in the North.

~Ostend Manifesto- written by American officials in1854, this secret memo urged the acquisition of Cuba by any means necessary. When it became public, Northerners claimed it it was a plot to extend slavery and the manifesto was disavowed.

~Lecompton Constitution- in 1857, a fraudulently-elected group of pro-slavery delegates met in Lecompton, Kansas, and drafted a state constitution. After bitter debate, congress narrowly denied Kansas' entry into the Union under this constitution.

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