Settlers came to what became America with the mentality of "civilize the uncivilized". The English especially thought
they were superior to Indians and Irish, calling them savages or barbarians. Settlers would try to assimilate Indians, trying
to get them to change their style of culture, education, have only one spouse, and especially convert their religion to become
The Wicomes Indians ambushed the Sesquehannok and killed 5 Indians and 3 Englishmen. The Governor of Maryland had to be
"put in his place" when the Indians told him, "you need to conform to our beliefs." A major point of that
story was to show the Indians weren't as passive.
When horses were re-introduced by Spainairds, Indians greatly depended on them. Animal extinction, caused by better nutrition,
global warming, and over hunting killed off many of the Indian societies before Settlers helped kill them off by diseases,
war, and overpopulation. The Agricultural Revolution occurred in Mexico and made it to the Indians before Settlers brought
this over.
The Aztecs were war-like people led by Monte Zema from what is now known as Mexico. Cortez from Spain used his superior
weapons and the fact that the Aztecs thought the Spanish race were Gods to take over Mexico and help Spain become a world
power because of Mexico's, and the rest of Latin America's, resources, including the metals silver and gold.
Because Indians were so divided by culture and language customs, Settlers had them easier to conquer. Disease, including
alcoholism, killed more Indians than all of the wars against them combined. Settlers cut down trees and fenced in the land
killing off animals, especially deer. But Indians often avoided conflicts with settlers in order to continuing buying guns
and ammunition.
Indians and Settlers had many more women than men. This led to Indian men having multiple wives or practicing polygamy.
Indian males were killed off in battles, while male Sttlers were more willing to come to America women. Indian women planted
fields, houses, maintained customs, and tribal government rules. Indian women had less contact with settlers and were in charge
at home, which made them more difficult to assimilate. Male Indian leaders had to be good speakers.
To communicate with the Indians, settlers resorted sign language. the more contact with settlers, the more likely Indian
males were to assimilate. If settlers married Indians, they would likely be living among the Indians. The English were the
least likely to intermarry or just accept Indians.
The Columbian Exchange was how the Indians introduced potatoes and corn to Europeans in exchange for death(disease). The
death of so many Indians led to Africans being used partly to repopulate but also as cheap labor because indentured servants
and Indians failed to work.
Deterrents to living in America was the Roanoke, or lost colony, that people heard about being left out to die or abandoned
the colony because of the war with France and the fear of the Spanish. But Richard Hakluyt's book The Principle Navigations,
Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Nation changed peoples' perceptions by his interviews with Sailors that were edited
to seem like paradise. The author wanted England to take over America.
The French had the best relationships with the Indians, while the English had the hardest time relating to them.
Before the Muslims traded slaves to the Americas, they were sent to the Middle-East. The Portuguese started the slave
trade to the Americas by getting cheap labor for their sugar plantations. From 1650-1853 more immigrants came to America from
Africa than any other continent. African and Indian treatment and lifestyles were similar, except it was the Europeans who
died from diseases from Africans when they tried to stay in Africa to control them.
The English King Henry married the queen of England in order to keep the catholics happy. But the king married other women
hoping to get a boy. But divorcing Rome without the Pope's permission angered Catholics and led to the king breaking off relations
with Catholics and giving away any land owned by the Catholic Church. He declared himself protestant, and his daughter would
eventually say the same. Besides this, many English were upset that the leaders of the Catholic Church were Protestant. A
movement in religion spread throughout Europe called Reformation led by Martin Luther. Even with this movement, the king still
made the official religious practices that of Catholics but the doctrine of Protestant. One of the kings siblings, Elizabeth,
tried to make England Protestant only, but another child of his tried to do the opposite and executed or scared off many Protestants.
But the first bible in English helped push Protestants even further. Now not just the educated who could read in Latin could
understand the Word.
Martin Luther said, "Faith, not rituals, get you into heaven," and, " God speaks through the Bible, not
the Pope." John Calvin, from Geneva, believed in predestination or life is planned by God and you're chosen or damned
by Damned God at birth, The glorious Revolution led to the Kings power being shared with Parliament. Colonists varied in opinions
of England based on when they entered America. John Smith ran a successful colony by using his military-style while while
governing Virginia. Pocahontas saved his life. Eventually he was injured and went back to England only to find out Virginians
in Jamestown were starving so bad they began cannibalism, even eating his wife. He remarked, "boiled, roasted wife, I
never heard of." The Virginian Company that was shareholders who owned the colony, made no money.
John Rolfe marries Pocahontas and discovers the used on tobacco to get The Virginian Company some money. They even came
up with a government body call The House of Burgess. But tobacco takes alot of workers...slavery comes soon after!! First
indentured servants, too many men, and too few families were just a few problems that led to failure. Most died because the
Company had a lack of medicine and too much disease. " A few rich, and the rest are poor."
Maryland was the Catholic refuge colony.
Pilgrims that came to America were called separatists. They landed in the wrong location of New England instead of Virginia
but formed the Mayflower Compact to make them more civilized. Squanto helped the dying Pilgrims survive ( even though the
Spanish had sold him into slavery). He taught them survival skills. Pilgrims eventually joined the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
The Puritans were a product of the Protestant Reformation. Puritans were not about profit but just God! These folks that
ended up in New World had established families and they lived as long as people do today!
Congregationalism is church government where the people are the church. You became a member by a confession of faith.
The members decided the punishments. Women and blacks were not allowed to vote. Responsibility was to GOD first, even for
politicians. The courts,laws rights of citizens led their colony to trust government. Anne Hutchinson threatened the colony
with her load opposing voice that basically said they were misled.