Chapter 4 talks about how the population expanded in the eighteenth century. One half of the population was under the age
of 16. The scotch-Irish was the largest group of white non-English immigrants. There were many other large groups that immigrated
to America. Mainly because of potato, families, and persecution by the church of England. Most of the growth was because of
the natural reproduction of colonies families.
The Great Awaking, intercolonial trade, and the rise of the colonial assemblies all contributed to a growing sense of
shared identity among the colonists. Benjamin Franklin saw a need for intercolonial cooperation. He was also responsible for
authoring the Albany plan. This was a bold proposal for a grand council to oversee matters of defense, expansion and Indian
affairs, which also include a taxation proposal.
Important Facts:
~Enlightenment-philosophical and intellectual movement that began in Europe during the eightennth century. It stressed
the application of reason to solve social and scientific problems.
~Great Awakening-widespread evangelical religious revival movement of the mid-1700s. The movement divided congregations
and weakened the authority of established churches in the colonies.
~ Albany Plan-plan of intercolonial cooperation proposed by prominent colonists including Benjamin Franklin at a conference
in Albany, New York, in 1754. The plan envisioned the formation of a Grand Council of elected delegates from the colonies
that would have powers to tax and provide for the common defense. It was rejected by the colonial and British governments,
but was a prototype for colonial union.